
Class of '86 'Comes Home' For Reunion
October 11th 2011 by Unknown
Class of '86 'Comes Home' For Reunion
It was a great weekend – a weekend for Bearcats to “come home” for a 25th class reunion.

The Dexter High School Class of 1986 returned home to mark a quarter-century since the class graduated from DHS. And they were able to take part in many of the Homecoming Weekend activities – including the Homecoming Tailgate 2011, the pre-game presentation of the Homecoming Queen and her court, and a thrilling Bearcat football game!

A group of classmates took in the sights and sounds of Tailgate 2001 – enjoying the hotwings and the hot music of The BUZZ. The group made its way down Brown Pilot Hill to Charles Bland Stadium for one of the most exciting football games ever played at DHS.

images/Blog Images/news.october2011/10.11.2011 reunion tailgate.jpgAmong the Bearcats on the field were football players, cheerleaders and Marching Band members whose parents were all members of the Class of 1986.

A group of classmates sat together throughout the Bearcat’s thrilling match against Caruthersville. Several ladies had the opportunity to see what Bearcat football was like in the stands instead of leading the crowd in cheering for their Bearcats!

On Saturday, local classmate Ann-Marie Mitchell arranged for the class to tour DHS – and take in the improvements and additions since they walked the halls as seniors. While one the tour the group had a chance to inspect the Bearcat paw prints added to the hallway mural by two members of the Class of ’86 artists – Lora Baker and Karen Davison.

Four classes have not had a hand in the creation and restoration in the first floor hallway mural – the DHS Classes of 1980, 1982, 1986 and 2002.

images/Blog Images/news.october2011/10.11.2011 reunion game.jpgA group of the gals from the Class made their way downtown on Saturday for Octoberfest and to shop in classmate Ann-Marie Mitchels boutique, Ann-Marie’s. The shopping gals could be seen scoping out the bargains and unique crafts at the Octoberfest booths.

Saturday evening was a big time for the Class of 1986, as they gathered for a Block Party on Locust Street in Downtown Dexter. Scott Green’s place, Sonny’s, was a base for the class during the Block Party, with barbecue and chips for the group.

“Remember when life was simple, and your biggest worry was what to do on a Friday night - maybe you played in or attended the Dexter Football game (GO Bearcats!) then went to Pizza Villa and watch the game all over again,” said the reunion committee on the class Facebook page. “Or maybe you cruised the mean streets of Dexter - circling the Sonic and McDonalds about a 100 times (thank goodness gas was not $4 a galloon back then). Whatever you did, it's time to come home again and relive the glorious 80's.”

The group relived the “glorious 80’s” and started and enjoyed a few new traditions during its reunion weekend.

“Thanks to everyone who helped with the reunion especially Denny who did a great job with all the little and big tasks I assigned him, and Ann Marie for setting up the tour and for all the notes from the previous years, to Leann and Molly for the Chips & nuts, I hope evertone had a good time. I know I had a great time,” wrote Lora Baker Marcolla.

Thanks to Lora Baker Marcolla for the photos!

Last Updated on October 11th 2011 by Unknown

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